Payment Method Configuration

The payment method configuration builds the base to connect with different payment method connectors.

  • Create
    The create state indicates that the Payment Method Configuration is in creation.
  • Active
    The active state indicates that the Payment Method Configuration is active and may be used.
  • Inactive
    The inactive state indicates that the Payment Method Configuration is inactive and may not be used.
  • Deleting
    The deleting state indicates that the Payment Method Configuration is in the process to be deleted.
  • Deleted
    The deleted state marks the entity for purging from the database.
  • Data Collection Type
    The data collection type specifies how the payment information is collected.
  • Description
    A custom description for the payment method which is displayed to the customer.
  • ID
    A unique identifier for the object.
  • Image Resource Path
    The resource path to a custom image for the payment method which is displayed to the customer.
  • Linked Space ID
    The ID of the space this object belongs to.
  • Name
    The name used to identify the payment method configuration.
  • One-Click Payment Mode
    The one-click payment mode determines whether the customer can save their payment details for later payments.
  • Payment Method
    The payment method that the configuration is for.
  • Planned Purge Date
    The date and time when the object is planned to be permanently removed. If the value is empty, the object will not be removed.
  • Resolved Description
    The description for the payment method that is actually displayed to the customer. This is either the custom description, if defined, or otherwise the payment method's default one.
  • Resolved Image URL
    The image URL for the payment method that is actually displayed to the customer. This is either the custom image, if defined, or otherwise the payment method's default one.
  • Resolved Title
    The title for the payment method that is actually displayed to the customer. This is either the custom title, if defined, or otherwise the payment method's default one.
  • Sort Order
    When listing payment methods, they can be sorted by this number.
  • Space ID
    The ID of the space this object belongs to.
  • State
    The object's current state.
  • Title
    A custom title for the payment method which is displayed to the customer.
  • Version
    The version is used for optimistic locking and incremented whenever the object is updated.