Line Item
  • Aggregated Tax Rate
    The total tax rate applied to the item, calculated from the rates of all tax lines.
  • Amount Excluding Tax
    The line item price with discounts applied, excluding taxes.
  • Amount Including Tax
    The line item price with discounts applied, including taxes.
  • Attributes
    A map of custom information for the item.
  • Discount Excluding Tax
    The discount allocated to the item, excluding taxes.
  • Discount Including Tax
    The discount allocated to the item, including taxes.
  • Name
    The name of the product, ideally in the customer's language.
  • Quantity
    The number of items that were purchased.
  • SKU
    The SKU (stock-keeping unit) of the product.
  • Shipping Required
    Whether the item required shipping.
  • Tax Amount
    The sum of all taxes applied to the item.
  • Tax Amount Per Unit
    The calculated tax amount per unit.
  • Taxes
    A set of tax lines, each of which specifies a tax applied to the item.
  • Type
    The type of the line item.
  • Undiscounted Amount Excluding Tax
    The line item price with discounts not applied, excluding taxes.
  • Undiscounted Amount Including Tax
    The line item price with discounts not applied, including taxes.
  • Undiscounted Unit Price Excluding Tax
    The calculated price per unit with discounts not applied, excluding taxes.
  • Undiscounted Unit Price Including Tax
    The calculated price per unit with discounts not applied, including taxes.
  • Unique ID
    The unique identifier of the line item within the set of line items.
  • Unit Price Excluding Tax
    The calculated price per unit with discounts applied, excluding taxes.
  • Unit Price Including Tax
    The calculated price per unit with discounts applied, including taxes.