The address equal filter allows to filter customers with the same address for billing and shipping and the ones with two different addresses.
The amount filter allows to apply restrictions based on the amount of the transaction.
The date of birth filter allows to apply restrictions based on the birthday indicated in the transaction billing address.
The billing address country filter allows to apply restrictions based on the country of the transaction's billing address.
The billing address gender filter allows to apply restrictions based on the gender indicated in the transaction billing address.
The billing address state filter allows to apply restrictions based on the state of the transaction billing address.
The billing address type allows to filter by private or business billing address.
The condition group allows grouping of multiple conditions together. The group is accepted if at least one of the configured conditions is accepted.
The currency filter allows to apply restrictions based on the currency of the transaction.
The customer outstanding amount only allows transactions for customers who have less than a specified outstanding amount.
The customer's presence filter allows to apply restrictions based on the customer's presence. The customer's presence describes in which form the customer is available for interaction.
The installment plan filter allows to filter on the installment plan linked with the transaction.
The language filter allows to apply restrictions based on the language chosen by the customer.
The meta data filter allows to apply restrictions on the meta data stored on the transaction.
The returning customer filter allows to apply restrictions based on the number of transactions previously made by a customer.
The date of birth filter allows to apply restrictions on the birthday indicated in the shipping address on the transaction.
The shipping address country filter allows to apply restrictions based on the country of the transaction shipping address.
The shipping address gender filter allows to apply restrictions on the gender indicated in the transaction shipping address.
The shipping address state filter allows to apply restrictions based on the state of the transaction shipping address.
The shipping address type filter allows to filter by private or business shipping address.