eBill Invoice
  • Create
    The create state is set during the creation of record.
  • Upload Pending
    The job is scheduled. Upload attempt will be processed later.
  • Metadata Uploaded
    eBill metadata is uploaded and PDF will be uploaded on a next step.
  • Uploaded
    eBill metadata and PDF are successfully uploaded.
  • Open
    The invoice is available for the invoice recipient but has not yet been downloaded or approved in the eBill portal.
  • Approved by recipient
    Invoice is approved for payment in the eBill portal by recipient.
  • Paid
    Invoice paid.
  • Derecognized
    The invoice is derecognized.
  • Replaced
    Invoice replaced.
  • Failed
    Invoice upload Failed.
  • Invalid
    Invoice invalid.
  • Rejected
    The invoice has been rejected in the eBill portal by the invoice recipient.
  • Current transaction
    The currency transaction based on that eBill payment is processed.
  • Current transaction invoice
    The currency transaction invoice based on that eBill payment is processed.
  • Failure message.
    The failure message which caused interruption of processing eBill.
  • ID
    A unique identifier for the object.
  • Last attempt to upload PDF.
    The date time of last attempt to upload eBill PDF.
  • Linked Space ID
    The ID of the space this object belongs to.
  • Parent entity of current record.
    The parent entity of current record..
  • State
    The object's current state.
  • The number of PDF upload failures.
    The number of failed attempts to upload eBill PDF.
  • Transaction External Id