
1Creating a PayPal Test Account

If you want to start accepting PayPal through your Sage Pay TEST account you will first need to create an account with PayPal.

You are then able to log into the PayPal developer platform and create a Sandbox account that you can link to your Sage Pay test account.

A detailed step by step description on how to set up your PayPal Sandbox Account can be found here:

2Adding PayPal to your Sage Pay Test Account

Now that you have completed the set-up within the Sandbox system you are ready to add PayPal into your My Sage Pay Test account.

To do this you will need to go to the Test login page and login to the account as a User with administration rights.

In order to test the transactions in the Test use your PayPal buyers sandbox account to create purchases.

3Linking PayPal to your Live Account

As soon as you are ready to process live transactions you have to link your PayPal live account to your SagePay Live account. In order to do this you have to make sure that you grant the required API access right to your PayPal account.

A detailed description including screenshots can be found here: