#1477048622453 The Computop processor allows to process transactions via the Computop Paygate.
Computop Paygate GmbH
Schwarzenbergstrasse 4, 96050 Bamberg, Germany
Onsite Connectors
American Express American Express is the credit card brand of American Express, an international multinational financial service company based in New York.
China Union Pay China Union Pay is the only domestic credit card in China.
Diners Club Diners Club is the credit card brand of Diners Club International headquartered in Riverwoods.
Direct Debit (SEPA) With SEPA direct debit you only need the IBAN of your bank account to pay. We work out the rest.
Direct Debit (SEPA) via B4Payments SEPA direct debit allows to pay with the bank information of the customer via B4Payments.
Discover Discover is the credit card brand issued by Discover Financial Services Inc.
JCB JCB is the credit card brand of the Japan Credit Bureau.
Mastercard Mastercard is the credit card brand of Mastercard, an international multinational financial service company headquartered in New York.
Mastercard Maestro Maestro is the international debit card brand of Mastercard.
Payout Transaction via American Express A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via Bank Transfer A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via Diners Club A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via Direct Debit (SEPA) A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via Direct Debit (SEPA) via B4Payments A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via Discover A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via JCB A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via Mastercard A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via Mastercard Maestro A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Payout Transaction via Visa A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
Visa Visa is the credit card brand of Visa Inc. an American multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Foster City.
Offsite Connectors
Alipay Conveniently pay via your Alipay account.
EPS You will be redirected to EPS where you can approve the payment.
Giropay You will be redirected to Giropay where you can approve the payment.
Giropay via EVO You will be redirected to Giropay where you can approve the payment.
Mastercard Bancontact Bancontact (previously know as Bancontact/Mister Cash) debit cards are one of the primary card schemes in Belgium.
Masterpass™ Conveniently pay via your Masterpass™ account.
PayPal Conveniently pay via your PayPal account.
Paydirekt Pay conveniently via Paydirekt online banking.
Payout Transaction via PayPal A payout transaction transfers money from the merchant to the consumer without any reference to an initial transaction.
SOFORT Banking You will be redirected to SOFORT where you can approve the payment.
Trustly You will be redirected to Trustly where you can approve the payment.
iDeal You will be redirected to iDEAL where you can approve the payment.