Vue du Space

A space view provides a view on the space. The view allows to associate certain properties with it. The concept of a space view allows to divide the space into different "portions" which may act differently. If you have just one database and you created just one space, you may want to create different space views to have different settings for different situations.

It is mainly used to provide a different look and feel to the end user e.g. different payment form layout depending on the store front-end selected by the customer.

When no view is explicitly specified the properties associated with the space are used (default properties).

  • Créer
    Le statut Create indique que le type Vue du Space est en cours de création.
  • Actif
    Le statut actif signifie que l’entrée du type «Vue du Space» est active et qu’elle peut être utilisée.
  • Inactif
    Le statut Inactif montre que l’entrée de type Vue du Space est inactive et qu’elle n’est peut-être pas utilisée.
  • En cours de suppression
    Le statut deleting indique que l’entrée du type Vue du Space est en cours de suppression.
  • Supprimé
    Le statut supprimé marque l’entrée pour la suppression de la base de données.
  • Date de suppression prévue
    La date et lheure auxquelles il est prévu que lobjet soit définitivement supprimé. Si la valeur est vide, lobjet ne sera pas supprimé.
  • ID
    A unique identifier for the object.
  • ID du Space référencé
    LID de lespace auquel appartient cet objet.
  • Nom
    Nom utilisé pour identifier la vue de lespace.
  • Space
    Lespace auquel appartient la vue de lespace.
  • Statut
    Létat actuel de lobjet.

    A space view can have the following states:


    When the state is set to Active you are able to access and use the space view.


    When the state is set to Inactive all the corresponding configurations in this space view are ignored. However, all the information is not deleted and you can reactivate the space view at any moment.


    The space view is in the process of deletion. This may take some time until the space view is marked as Deleting before being marked as Deleted.


    The space view is deleted. Since the space view is linked with data which cannot be deleted immediately, we need to keep the space view until all the data can be removed.

  • Version
    The version is used for optimistic locking and incremented whenever the object is updated.