Une condition permet de définir un critère auquel une transaction doit répondre pour quune configuration de connecteur soit prise en compte pour le traitement du paiement.
A condition allows to formulate a selection criteria on a transaction. This means a condition can initiate a decision based on a given transaction.
Such a condition can be used for selecting payment connector configurations or charge flow.
A condition can based on different properties of the transaction. For example the condition can select based on the transaction amount or the billing country. A complete list of all condition types can be found here.
A payment condition can have the following states:
When the state is set to Active
this condition will define the restrictions applied to the transaction
When the state is set to Inactive
the condition will be ignored during the selection of a transaction. E.g. any constraints defined by condition will
be ignored.
The condition is in the process of deletion. This may take some time until the condition is marked as Deleting
before being marked as Deleted
The condition is deleted. Since the condition is linked with data which cannot be deleted immediately, we need to keep the condition until all the data can be removed.
Once a condition type is set on the condition it cannot be changed anymore. If you want to change the condition type you need to delete the old one and create a new condition.