
1Connector Testing

In order to test the payment connector the following section contain test data. For some tests special instructions have to follow. Some test data may produce a negative result. We indicate when the test data should lead to a transaction failure or decline.

1.1Konfiguration des Connectors

Sender ID31HA07BC8142C5A171745D00AD63D182
User ID31ha07bc8142c5a171744e5aef11ffd3
User Password93167DE7
Channel ID (with 3-D Secure)31HA07BC8142C5A171749A60D979B6E4
Channel ID (Karteninhaber nicht anwesend)31HA07BC8142C5A171744F3D6D155865


Die JCB-Karte wurde akzeptiert.
  • Karteninhaber-Name: John Doe
  • Kartennummer: 3530 1113 3330 0000
  • Ablaufdatum: 2027-02
  • Sicherheitscode: 123