
1SlimPay Signup Documentation

The Singup documentation explains to you quickly how you are able to get your own SlimPay vendor account. This is a requirement in order to start processing transactions.

1.1SlimPay Account

Before we can start with the configuration of the SlimPay Processor you will have to get an account. In case you just want to start the integration in the test mode you can apply for a pre-production account. However, in order to process live transactions you will require a live account that you can get directly at

SlimPay distinguishes between two environments:

1.1.1Pre-Production Account

You can create your pre-production account on SlimPay’s Signup page. Chose your App ID and App secret or generate a random ones. The chosen App ID will also be your creditor reference.

In the field Return URL enter the following URL:

The Notification URL field should be left empty.

1.1.2Production Account

Once you have created the SlimPay account they will provide you with a production accounts. You will be provided with the following details:

  • Creditor reference

  • App ID

  • App secret

This information is later needed for the configuration of the SlimPay Processor Configuration.

You can modify the secret and Return URL of your production account in the SlimPay’s back-office under Administration > HAPI App Management.

2SlimPay Configuration Documentation

The following documentation will guide you through the necessary steps to set up the SlimPay Processor and Connector Configuration.

In order to be able to configure the production account you need to apply for a production account at SlimPay first. They will provide you then with the relevant credentials for the setup.

2.1Configure Processor

First of all the SlimPay processor has to be configured. In order to do this navigate to Space > Payment > Configuration > Processors . Click on the create processor configuration and type SlimPay into the field to select the processor to start the configuration.

2.1.1Operation Mode

You have the choice between the Pre-Production environment and the production environment. See the signup section for more information how to get the accounts.

2.1.2Credentials for Creditor Reference, App ID and App Secret

After creating the account you will be provided the Creditor Reference, App ID and the App Secret directly form SlimPay. Copy the credentials into the corresponding input field in the processor configuration and store the configuration.

2.2Payment Method

If you have not already you have to create a payment method for all the payment types that you want to accept via SlimPay. In order to do this navigate to Space > Configuration > Processor > Payment Methods.

The SlimPay Processor supports 2 different payment methods (Direct Debit UK and Direct Debits SEPA). Depending on the scheme you want to use the process your payments (BACS, SEPA Core or SEPA B2B) you have to activate the corresponding payment method. In case you want to use BACS and SEPA Core / SEPA B2B you have to activate both payment methods.

By default, the only supported payment scheme on your account is SEPA Core. In order to activate different schemes, contact SlimPay’s support. SlimPay is currently able to process the following schemes:

  • SEPA Core

  • SEPA B2B

  • BACS

2.3Create a SlimPay Connector

Last but not least you have to link the payment method with the processor configuration to a connector configuration. In order to do this navigate to Space > Configuration > Processor > Connector and create a new Connector Configuration.

For more information about the processor concept and how this work have a look at our Payment Documentation.

3SEPA Direct Debits

SEPA Direct Debits is a special schemes with some specialties that you as a merchant have to be aware of. Have a look at SlimPay’s Ignition Guide and Interesting Blog Posts about the SEPA:

3.1Working with SEPA inside the APP

Payments that are authorized via SlimPay will generally switch to the state Completed once the completion call has been made (Either via Caputuring in the Backend or via WebService API). The transaction will stay at Completed until we receive from SlimPay the information that it has been successfully processed.

The state of the payments can be checked under Payment > SlimPay > Direct Debits.

3.2Direct Debits Issues

Under Payment > SlimPay > Direct Debits Issues you will see additional information in case issues arose with the processing of your payments.

3.3Rejects and Refunds

Direct Debits offer some different Rejects and Refunds rights to your customers. This can generally result in R-Transactions when the transaction is rejected by the bank or has been refused. Customer initiated refunds will fetched automatically by the application. They are registered as customer initiated refunds that trigger corresponding actions. More information about the time lines and reasons for R-Transactions can be found in the Ignition Guide.

The refunds are visible under Payments > Refunds.

3.4Subscription or recurring payments

In case the initial transaction was created with a token. You can use that token for recurring transactions. More information can be found in our ChargeFlow Documentation.