

In order to start processing payments via SOFORT you will first have to to get a merchant account. The merchant account can be created here:

This will then get you a Merchant Account and password. That you will need to continue.


The following section describes how the SOFORT Account has to be configured in order to accept payments.

2.1Login into the Merchant Backend

First you have to login to the SOFORT Merchant Backend: Login with the credentials that were provided to you in the signup process.

2.2Create a Project ID

First of all you have to create a project ID in your SOFORT Backend. For this you navigate to Projects > My projects and click on Add new project. After you filed all the necessary information you will be provided with a new project ID that you will need for the configuration later.

Figure 1. Create a Gateway Project ID in SOFORT backend.
The integration only works with Gateway Projects. Make sure that you select a gateway project when you create your project. Classic Projects do not work.
Figure 2. It is important that you create a Gateway Project and not a classic project.

2.3Create Your API Credentials

As next steps API credentials have to be created. For this you navigate to Services > API key. Here you can create a new API key by clicking to Generate new API Key. This key will later be used for the configuration.

Data Origin
Figure 3. Create an API key

2.4Configure SOFORT Inside the Application

After all this configuration has been done you need to configure the processor in the application to be able to process payments through SOFORT.

2.4.1Create a Processor

First of all create a processor and select SOFORT from the list of available processors.

In the next page you will be asked to set the operation mode to live mode. More information regarding testing can be found below. Once you switched to Live you will be able to enter the Customer No., the API Key and the SOFORT Project ID that we created above.

2.4.2Create a Payment Method

If you have not already you have to create a payment method of type SOFORT Banking.

2.4.3Create a Connector

Last but not least we have to link the payment method with the processor configuration to a connector configuration.

3Test your SOFORT Integration

You can test the SOFORT payment method when you put the processor into the test operation mode. In this case the processor uses our credentials to process payments with the SOFORT test bank.

Once your test were successful you can switch back to the live mode.